Dec 4, 2013

Ensenada, Baja California

So, this is my last post  for this class. I really enjoyed doing it... Maybe I'll come back some day and post some other stuff.  For now this is what I got.  I wanted to let you know about this great place in Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico).  We visit the family often in Tijuana and many times we've taking a day trip to Ensenada to visit the "La Bufadora." It seems every time some who hasn't experience it up close, we get together and we take them there.  Yeah, I know, we could go somewhere else Rossy!! But that's the thing, if someone hasn't seen it, it's really a great experience.  Something about the grand ocean making this thunderous sound! I like it.  If you haven't experience it maybe you'll get the opportunity to do it!

Ensenada, Baja California

This beautiful city is located 70 miles South of the international Border (90 minutes drive from San Diego CA). Is Baja's third largest City; if you haven't been there, you should go. If you have, surely you'll enjoy a return visit.

La Bufadora is a marine geyser or blowhole located on the Punta Banda Peninsula in Baja California, Mexico. The spout of sea water is the result of air, trapped in a sea cave, exploding upwards. Air is forced into the cave by wave action and is released when the water recedes. This interaction not only creates the spout, but a thunderous noise as well. The phenomena repeats every minute or so with its volume depending on the strength of the waves.
La Bufadora is one of the largest blowholes in North America, often shooting upwards more than 30 meters (100 ft) above sea level. The exhibit hall roof top is approximately 24 meters (80 ft) above sea level and the blowhole frequently sprays above it.


La Bufadora (the blowhole) is about thirty minutes from Ensenada, in a seemingly remote section of Pacific coastline. If you drive through Ensenada, staying on the main road through town, you'll see signs to La Bufadora. Just follow the signs through the countryside dotted with farms and campgrounds, along the rugged coastline, up, around and down until you reach the end of the road. There are several shops & restaurants. Also, you will find three observation decks and plenty of steps and short walls to sit on, safe from the Pacific 'rain'. If you like to get into the thick of things, though, go to the middle observation deck and hang over the wall with everyone else. From there you can look down about 45 feet into what looks like a rock crevice about 10 feet wide. The crevice, however, is actually the mouth of a cave. As the waves recede from the cave it fills with air. When the waves come back in, the water entering the cave compresses the air until it explodes, blowing the water as high as 90 feet into the air.  How high the water shoots up depends on the tide conditions. You might wait five or six minutes between swells and if you're impatient you might give up and walk away just before the show starts.

I've been there many times, and every time is different! The day we went with my younger sister and her family was the best one we've seen regarding the blowhole.  That thing kept on going on for a long time and we were able to enjoy it.  And, yes, sometimes it doesn't want people to her the roar!! it just quiet.  I hope that when it's your first time you'll be able to see it in all its glory!
(I have lots of picture of my own, but I didn't have time to dig them out, Sorry!) Another thing to do in Ensenada is whale watching; during the months of January to March-April  is the best time.

I hope you like this one, short and simple! Until next time!
This is it folks!
Bea :)
Kath, L. Price, P. (2011). Fun with the family - Southern California. Eighth Edition. Print

Dec 2, 2013

Novarupta Volcano

While I was doing my research for my blog I stumbled upon this information.  Professor Ron showed us a video on the eruption of Volcano Pinatubo in the Philippines and was very interesting.  After reading about Volcano Novarupta in Alaska I decided to share some of the information.
So here it is.   

June 6th, 1912
The morning of June 6th arrived on the Alaska peninsula to find the area which is now Katmai National Monument being shaken by numerous strong, shallow earthquakes. The most powerful volcanic eruption of the 20th Century was about to begin – but very few people knew about it. The Alaska peninsula has a low population density today, but in 1912 it was even lower. Beyond the land shaken by the earthquake activity, the beginnings of this event were almost unnoticed.

Volcanic Monitoring - 1912 vs. Today
 Today the stirring of an important volcano draws enormous global attention. Weeks or even months before most large eruptions, a buzz circulates through an electronically-connected community of volcano scientists as clusters of small earthquakes are detected by a global array of seismographs. Many scientists working at diverse global locations interpret this data and begin to collaborate about an awakening volcano and the eruption that might follow. Reports are posted on the internet and news stories communicate the volcano's activity to millions of people. Often it is a false alarm – the volcano is simply stirring.

If the earthquakes strengthen and begin moving upwards, many of these scientists will travel to the area of potential eruption to make observations and set up a local network of data-gathering instruments.

However, in 1912, Alaska was not a US state, very few scientists were supported to do volcanic studies and a worldwide network of seismic monitoring was not in place. Scientists were just starting to understand the mechanics of volcanic eruptions.

Novarupta Volcano Erupts!
 On June 6th, 1912 a tremendous blast sent a large cloud of ash skyward and the eruption of the century was underway. People in Juneau, Alaska, about 750 miles from the volcano, heard the sound of the blast – over one hour after it occurred.

For the next 60 hours the eruption sent tall dark columns of tephra and gas high into the atmosphere. By the time the eruption ended the surrounding land was devastated and about 30 cubic kilometers of ejecta blanketed the entire region. This is more ejecta than all of the other historic Alaska eruptions combined. It was also thirty times more than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens and three times more than the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, the second largest in the 20th Century. 

Impact of the Eruption

The inhabitants of Kodiak, Alaska, on Kodiak Island, about 100 miles away, were among the first people to realize the severity of this eruption. The noise from the blast would have commanded their attention and the visual impact of seeing an ash cloud rise quickly to an elevation of 20 miles then drift towards them would have been terrifying.

Within just a few hours after the eruption a thick blanket of ash began falling upon the town - and ash continued falling for the next three days, covering the town up to one foot deep. The residents of Kodiak were forced to take shelter indoors. Many buildings collapsed from the weight of heavy ash on their roofs.

Outside, the ash made breathing difficult, stuck to moist eyes and completely blocked the light of the sun at midday. Any animal or person who was caught outside probably died from suffocation, blindness or an inability to find food and water. 

Pyroclastic Flow 
Back on the peninsula, heavy pyroclastic flows swept over 20 kilometers down the valley of Knife Creek and the upper Ukak River. (A pyroclastic flow is a mixture of superheated gas, dust, and ash that is heavier than the surrounding air and flows down the flank of the volcano with great speed and force.)

These flows completely filled the valley of Knife Creek with ash, converting it from a V-shaped valley into a broad flat plain. By the time the eruption was over, the world’s most extensive historic ignimbrite (solidified pyroclastic flow deposit) would be formed. It covered a surface area of over 120 square kilometers to depths of over 200 meters thick near its source. (The satellite image at right shows the original geographic extent of pyroclastic flow deposits as a yellow line.)

Volcanic Ash
Immediately after the June 6th blast, an ash cloud rose to an elevation of about 20 miles. It was then carried by the wind in a westerly direction, dropping ash as it moved. The ash deposits were thickest near the source of the eruption and decreased in thickness downwind.

When the eruption stopped on June 9th, the ash cloud had spread across southern Alaska, most of western Canada and several U.S. states. Winds then carried it across North America. It reached Africa on June 17th.

Although the eruption had these far-reaching effects, most people outside of Alaska did not know that a volcano had erupted. More surprising is that no one knew for sure which of the many volcanoes on the Alaska peninsula was responsible. Most assumed that Mount Katmai had erupted but they were wrong.      

Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes

 After the eruption, the National Geographic Society began sending expeditions to Alaska to survey the results of the eruption and to inventory the volcanoes of the Alaskan peninsula. Robert Griggs led four of these expeditions. During his 1916 expedition, Griggs and three others traveled inland to the eruption area. What they found exceeded their imagination.

First, the valley of Knife Creek was now barren, level and filled with a loose, sandy ash which was still hot at depth. Thousands of jets of steam were roaring from the ground. Griggs was so impressed that he called it the “Valley of 10,000 Smokes”.

James Hine, a zoologist on the expedition described the location:
“Having reached the summit of Katmai Pass, the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes spreads out before one with no part of the view obstructed. My first thought was: We have reached the modern inferno. I was horrified, and yet, curiosity to see all at close range captivated me. Although sure that at almost every step I would sink beneath the earth's crust into a chasm intensely hot, I pushed on as soon as I found myself safely over a particularly dangerous-appearing area. I didn't like it, and yet I did.”

Katmai Caldera & Novarupta Dome

During the eruption a large amount of magma was drained from magma chambers below. The result was a removal of support from beneath Mount Katmai which is six miles from Novarupta. The top several hundred feet of Katmai - about one cubic mile of material - collapsed into a magma chamber below. This collapse produced a crater about two miles in diameter and over 800 feet deep.

Early investigators assumed that Katmai was responsible for the eruption. This assumption was based upon Katmai being near the center of the impact area, Katmai was visibly reduced in height, and early witness accounts thought that the eruption cloud ascended from the Katmai area. Closer observation was not possible and expeditions into the impact zone would be very difficult to accomplish.

The first scientific investigation to get an up-close look at the eruption area did not occur until 1916 when Robert Griggs found a 2-mile-wide caldera where Mount Katmai once stood. He also found a lava dome at the Novarupta vent. These observations convinced Griggs that Katmai was the source of the eruption.

It was not until the 1950s - over forty years after the eruption - that investigators finally realized that ash and pyroclastic flow thicknesses were greatest in the Novarupta area. This discovery produced a revelation that Novarupta - and not Katmai - was the volcano responsible for the eruption. This is possibly the most important false accusation in the history of volcanic study.  

Well I hope you enjoyed it!  This is it for now folks!
Bea :)

Tarbuck, E.J., Lutgens, F.K., (2011). Earth- An introduction to physical geology. Print